Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fafsa Table FAFSA And Taxes Help?

FAFSA and taxes help? - fafsa table

I understand 20 years with the attempt to the FAFSA. I must pay as a dependent (and a statement of my parents on the FAFSA file), although neither of my parents for my studies and to provide any financial support. My parents are divorced and my father has custody, but no other small jobs in the region and the work table (construction, transport, etc..) So I will not file taxes (the money I Get Out Alive by the Federal Employment Agency - Study of $ 100) per month. My mother will file taxes but do not take on me (leaving halfway across the country and see just once a year).

I have two questions, because you still must file as an independent, my mother asked me to their taxes legal? And if you do not submit FAFSA to be my father? OrR can be with my father is, who has custody of me.

Nor, as I return to my father? Since no income tax and won, probably not more than $ 4000-5000 a year ago (we) live in a very poor man.


C J said...

You file with information about your father, noting that the noncustodial parent.

Your school can request information from his mother in a house or CSS Profile. When this happens, you can not claim profile custodial parent waiver, why the income of his mother not be taken into consideration and help in determining the amount of your balance sheet. Most schools offer this in a simple one-page form.

x5 said...

Get your father, taxes on the 4-file reported 5k, that's the only way to put it on the FAFSA and provide the income they receive a full Pell to. You need a charge until 24 or bride's file is always the first bit if you must file a tax return each year you need financial support, although it is technically not for other reasons

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